As a community, Providence strives to fulfill the goals of serving, giving, and support in our community. We believe that Christ calls us to serve those in need and to connect people to Christ in all that we do, and by doing so, we are living into our call to fulfill the great commission. Our Providence community engages in this calling through mission outreach to neighbors experiencing homelessness, job insecurity, refugees, neighbors in financial or food crisis, and children in need of educational support.

Hear stories from members of all ages engage in missions alongside Providence and Missions Partners.

20 years from now I will look back on this trip...

"20 years from now I will look back on this trip and remember not only the poverty and discrimination I witnessed but how jubilant and excited the Roma children where when they arrived at camp each morning, laughing, smiling, and skipping. Sure, we taught them a lot of English words, foods, and pastimes, but they taught us so much more. I personally learned how to do the Arizona dance walk, properly growl like a grizzly bear, lay an egg in the chicken dance, and throw a perfect goodbye party. I am so grateful for the opportunity to go on this trip and for the relationships I built with the Roma children, the Samuel Center volunteers, and our own team."

Hannah Aghjayan | Student
High School Mission Trip 2023

Thank you for sharing your love with us and the people of Vazec, Slovakia.

"I have helped host hundreds of short term mission volunteers over the years. It was a joy to host Providence Baptist Church's youth group as our last mission team. Your students and adults were prepared, flexible and always ready to help. You welcomed all the children in Vazec with open arms and smiles. It was a joy to see you hold hands with the children as you walked them home each day. Thank you for sharing your love with us and the people of Vazec, Slovakia."

Dianne McNary | Former CBF Field Personnel in Slovakia
High School Mission Trip 2023

Our students made deep connections with children and teenagers who did not speak our language...

"I had the honor of chaperoning the High School Mission Trip to Slovakia. I enjoyed getting to spend time outside of church with our high schoolers. We got to travel together, try new things together, and spread the gospel together. I highly enjoyed watching our students lead the Roma children during bible camp. Our students made deep connections with children and teenagers who did not speak our language and it was exciting to watch. I will always fondly remember my time in Vazec and the fact that I got to do it with my own daughter was priceless."

Carrie Query | Chaperone
High School Mission Trip 2023

I was able to see God's love in action every single day.

"It was such a privilege to watch Providence students exploring their spiritual gifts during our mission trip to Vazec. I was able to see God's love in action every single day. One of the fondest memories I have is standing hand-in-hand with the Roma children and Providence students, singing "Jesus Loves Me" at the end of camp every day, and feeling God's presence as we loved and were beloved by God and by each other. As I begin my M.Div. and prepare to be a minister, I will carry this feeling with me."

Mallory Challis | Student Ministry Intern
High School Mission Trip 2023